Los Barrelshots - Soulful /Inna We Yard

Los Barrelshots - Soulful /Inna We Yard

We have available some copies of this incredible single by Los Barrelshots edited in co-production by our friends from La Lucha Discos - Sabor Discos. Includes two songs "Soulful" It is a moving and deep Rocksteady performed by Maria Katherina (singer of The Liners, Ska group from Quito) and "Inna we yard" feat. Uzimon (Dancehall artist from Bermuda, known among other things by his title “Steven
Seagal 2.0”) is a pure piece of dancehall aggro.
Hand Numbered 365 Copies

A. Soulful Feat. Mari Katherina
B. Inna We Yard Feat. Uzimon

Including a QR code insert to download a complete concert of the group

Lucha Libbe Discos
Football Records