Big Lee Dowell -Are You Ready /Interview

Big Lee Dowell -Are You Ready /Interview

Well, this record release has been possible thanks to a deep research in the attempt to find the man who composed the "What I Done Wrong" vocal song we featured on our release #4. We spent almost a year hunting him down in the states until we found out he lives in an elders nursery in New York under a different name. He decided to focus only on religious and gospel music and changed his name in 1978 from Big Lee Dowell to LD Frazier. We at Cannonball Records are strange guys, so we went to NY to record him live in his kitchen and this release is the result of the efforts made. As with all of our records, royalties to the man have been paid not just for this record but also for the previous ones we did off his compositions. When we get to know the Artist and get in touch with him, royalties are paid straight away, otherwise they are saved to one side until we find out who the artist is and where he lives.

Cannonball Records